Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Now that you know what Gardasana is please allow me to guide you through a ten minute Gardasana Experience. First, before you begin, find a quiet comfortable spot near your garden to have a brief 1-3 minute meditation. Bring a mat with you for additional comfort if you like. Please find yourself in a seated position, legs crossed hands just above your knees, and palms open, soft,towards the sky. Torso is lifted, crown of the head reaches skyward. Now, relax and breathe evenly. Breathe in and out of nostrils. Acknowledge any thoughts that arise then dismiss them. Continue in this manner for several minutes.

You are now ready to include your garden in this powerfully awakening experience. Find your way over to the area of your garden that needs your love and attention. Standing in Dandasana (Mountain Pose)continue to breathe through the nostrils evenly. Separate feet to about 6 inches apart and bend knees slightly to support spine and back. Hinge at the waist and fold over into Uttanasana (forward bend). Bring your awareness to the earth, the textures of the ground,and the weeds you extract from it. Be mindful of the breath as you experiment with bending the knees and straightening them (avoid locking knees). All the while plucking and unearthing unnecessary and potentially harmful growth in your garden. Keep working with this forward bend and then get ready for the next pose in this weeks sequence coming tomorrow!

Enjoy, the first of these wonderful garden exercises and stay tuned for the continuation of our ultimate Gardasana experience!


Exactly what is "Gardasana? Gardasana is the blending of the splendor of gardening with the bliss of yoga. Two activities that incorporate mental discipline, a deepening mindfullness of breath , and movement that involves inversions, stretching, and twisting become one. Gardasana invites the divine in us and in nature to each electrify the other.